The Journey

Individual Sessions – What to Expect

*Please note that in-person sessions have been postponed due to the pandemic. All sessions are currently provided virtually unless you and I have made other arrangements. Please check back for updates when in-person sessions will resume. Thank you!

Therapy can appear mysterious at times.

What is it? How long does it take? What goes on during a session? Will I get better?

And the truth is, therapy will vary for everyone. Typically, we get together once a week for 50 minutes. During our first session, we try to get a sense of what’s bothering you and what you might like to get out of our work together. It’s also a good time to ask questions and express concerns and doubts about treatment.

The following sessions will consist of us exploring in more detail your concerns and goals, allowing us both to develop insight about the root of your problems. This takes time. Some people expect their problems to be fixed right away, but more often than not, we are trying to address an issue that has taken a lot of time to develop. An important part of therapy is understanding the problem so we can resolve your difficulties.

Throughout this path of healing, you are encouraged to ask questions about the therapeutic process. There are no such thing as stupid questions!


I’ve always enjoyed providing therapy with openness, warmth and respect for each individual’s strengths and unique path. For me, it’s been a very effective and healing way to build trust with those I work with.

My aim is to help you arrive at a state of mental and emotional peace. I enjoy doing this using a variety of tools. At times, you may need to solve more immediate problems so therapy will become solution-focused. Other times, you may just want a safe space to vent and explore your worries, stress –and, of course!—triumphs. If we find it appropriate to do so, Creative Healing describes our use of creative and artistic ways of accomplishing our therapy goals. Examples of this include journaling, music, painting, drawing, meditation and visualization.

Group Sessions

Working in a safe space with people who have had similar experiences as you can be very supportive and healing in ways that way not be available to you in individual sessions. I am currently offering weekly mindfulness tea groups titled A Sip of Mindfulness. Please click here to learn more about this engaging group.


  • Adults/Adolescents
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Trauma and PTSD
  • Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
  • Addiction and Recovery
  • Gender Issues
  • Women’s Issues
  • Relationships
  • Life Transitions
  • Identity Issues
  • Cultural Concerns